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Legalxgen Zoho Integration: 2. Zoho Setup and Authentication

Watch this instructional video for guidance.

Alternatively, you can follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Legalxgen account.
  2. Access Application Settings by clicking on your name at the top right corner, then select the blue ‘Application Settings’ button.
  3. Within the ‘Application Settings View’, navigate to the ‘Integrations’ tab.
  4. Under the ‘External Integrations’ panel, select ‘New Integration’.
  5. In the New Integration window, input the following details and click ‘Save’:
    • Name: Legalxgen Zoho IntegrationExternal System: Zoho BooksClientId: <Copy from Zoho API Console>Client Secret: <Copy from Zoho API Console>Domain: .in or .com (based on your Zoho Books domain)
  6. Once saved, click on the Edit Icon.
  7. In the popup window, click the ‘Establish Zoho Sync’ button.
  8. You will be redirected to the Zoho Consent Page. Click ‘Accept’ or ‘Approve’ (You may need to log in to Zoho to grant access).
  9. That’s it! Simply refresh your screen and click on the Edit Icon to confirm that the sync has been successfully enabled.

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