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How to edit any matter?

  1. Logon to your LegalXGen Account.
  2. Click on Matter Module
  3. Search for the matter you wish to edit.
  4. You can use filter for searching Matter either by Date Range, Client Name, Matter Code/ Matter Title or by Practice Area etc.
  5. Once you’ve identified/ located the matter you wish to edit, click on either Matter Code given as hyperlink.
  6. Or else you can click on Edit Option of the bulk action.
  7. You’ll be redirected to the detailed view, where you can edit the matter info.

8. Click on the ‘Edit‘ button present on your top right to edit the information

9.Once you’ve clicked on ‘Edit’,

10. you’ll be redirected to a view which allows you to edit information related to the matter.

11. Change/ Update the fields/ information you wish to edit.

12. Once you’re done with your changes, click on the ‘Update Matter‘ button at the down (bottom) of your matter edit view.

13. Now the matter is edited with updated fields.